Tasks, Timelines & Teams
Half the Sky: Intersections in Social Practice Art
Sherri Cornett - Director
Jing Deng - Co-Director
Alli Berman - Fundraising and Publicity Director
Karen Gutfreund - Travel/Administrative Logistics
Krista Jiannacopoulos - Social Media/Publicity
Mido Lee - Assistant to the Director
Sandra Mueller - Project Development, Cultural and Community Interactions Director
Priscilla Otani - Human Resources Director
Wang Yi Gang - Curator of Chinese Art
Yin Ou Zhao - Co-Curator of Chinese Art
DELEGATES (final group who traveled to Shenyang)
S. A. Bachman
Alli Bremen
Audrey Chan
Sherri Cornett
Jing Deng
Christine Giancola
Kay Kang
Mido Lee
Elana Mann
Rosemary Meza-DesPlas
Neda Moridpour
Katie Morton
Sandra Mueller
Brenda Oelbaum
Priscilla Otani
Sherri Cornett - Editor
Alli Berman
Jing Deng
Karen Gutfreund
Mido Lee
Virginia Maksymowicz
Sandra Mueller
Priscilla Otani
Jill Waterhouse
Virginia Maksymowicz - Director
Christine Giancola - Director
Audrey Chan
Mido Lee
Elana Mann
Neda Moridpour
Sandra Mueller - Director
S. A. Bachman
Alli Berman
Sherri Cornett
Mido Lee
Elana Mann
Neda Moridpour
Katie Morton
Jill Waterhouse
Alli Berman , Director
Sherri Cornett - Indiegogo Campaign Coordinator
Krista Jiannacopoulos
Sal Sidner
Rosemary Meza-DesPlas - Director
Alli Berman
Audrey Chan
Jing Deng
Mido Lee
Elana Mann
Neda Moridpour
Katie Morton
Brenda Oelbaum
Alli Berman - Co-Director
Jill Waterhouse- Co-Director
Sherri Cornett
Krista Jiannacopoulos
Kay Kang
Rosemary Meza-DesPlas
Sandra Mueller
Tanya Augsburg
Kieran Collins
Diane Ding
Krista Jiannacopolous
Bonnie MacAlister
Meng Tang
Wanxin Zhang
MARCH 2013
Project Development
• Meeting in NYC to discuss possibility - Cornett, Deng DONE
• Develop theme/title - Cornett/Deng - DONE
• Consider formats for exhibition/cultural exchange - Cornett/Mueller - DONE
• Begin setting up committees - Cornett- DONE
• Draft proposal & submit to International Caucus for review - Cornett - DONE
• Create initial budget - Cornett - DONE
• Develop timelines - Cornett - DONE
• Review/Finalize proposal/budget for consideration by national WCA board - Cornett/Otani - DONE
• Research Shipping Options - Jiannacopoulos/Collins- DONE
• Research Calls for Essays - Cornett/Augsburg - DONE
APRIL 2013
• Provide information to Academy for Letter of Invitation - Cornett DONE
• WCA Letter of Understanding to LuXun Academy - Cornett DONE
• Submit proposal/budget to national WCA board - Cornett- DONE
• Create website - Cornett DONE
• Deng goes to LuXun Academy, gathers venue & support information, brings back official invitation - DONE
MAY 2013
Calls for Art
• Gather information for Call for Art - Cornett DONE• Gather information for Call for Essays - Cornett DONE
• Write Call for Art - Cornett DONE
• Create Google Docs for committee work- Cornett DONE
• Develop general fundraising plan - Cornett/Berman - DONE
• Develop fundraising support materials - Cornett/Berman DONE
• Setup Fundraising and Publicity Committees - Cornett/Bernadine
• Research jurors - Cornett/Mueller - DONE
• Logo for show - Berman DONE
• photo for press releases - DONE
JUNE 2013
• LuXun Letter of Understanding to WCA - Deng, Wei Er Shen DONE
• Adjust budget - Cornett DONE
Calls for Art and Essays
• Set up Entrythingy on International Caucus website - Cornett DONE
• Add tokens to Entrythingy for entries - Cornett DONE
• Lulu.com ie printing in China/ shipping costs, etc . - Cornett DONE
• Find out how catalogs will be printed in China or sent to China - Cornett DONE
• Request ISBN from Karin - Cornett DONE
• Develop Indiegogo campaign text - Cornett DONE
• Identify fundraising goals - Cornett DONE
• Submit segments to Indiegogo campaign video - Gutfreund, Maksymowicz, Kestelman, Berman, Shisler, Idner, Purdy, Collins, Zhao, Brown, Deng, MacAlister, Cornett DONE
• Develop Indiegogo campaign video - Cornett DONE
• Create perks for Indiegogo campaign - Cornett/BermanDONE
• Contract juror for art - Cornett/Mueller DONE
• Research editors for essays - Cornett/Otani DONE
• Write MOU for juror - Cornett DONE
• Contract editor for essays - Cornett DONE
• Develop publicity package - Berman DONE
• Develop publicity contacts - online and print/non-virtual (newspapers, tv, blogs) - Jiannacopoulos/Sidner DONE
JULY 2013
Calls for Art and Essays
• Upload Call for Art on WCA entrythingy - Cornett DONE
• Be available to answer questions about the Calls for Art and for Essays - Cornett DONE
• Launch Indiegogo campaign - Cornett DONE
• Begin Fundraising - corporate sponsorships - Otani, Berman, Jiannacopoulos, Cornett BEGUN BUT CANCELLED
• Maintain Indiegogo communications, thank yous, posts - Cornett, Jiannacopoulos DONE
• July 3 -Send Call for Art to IC members - Cornett DONE
• Post Call for Art to WCA Facebook page - Cornett DONE
• Prepare first press release - Berman DONE
• Send first press release - Berman (not done)
• July 8 - Send Call for Essays to IC members - Cornett DONE
• July 8 - Create press release about Call for Art - Berman (not done)
• July 8 - Send Call for Art to all WCA members - Cornett DONE
• July 8 - Publicize Call for Art on social media - Jiannacopoulos DONE
• July 10 - Post Call for Essays to Art outlets - Jiannacopoulos/Gutfreund - DONE
• July 10 - Publicize Call for Essays on social media - Jiannacopoulos DONE
• July 10 - Create press release about Call for Essays - Berman (not done)
• Call for Essays to College Art Association posting site - CornettDONE
• Set up HTS Facebook page for project - Jiannacopoulos DONE
• Press release about Indiegogo campaign - Berman(not done)
• Indiegogo campaign link to social media - Jiannacopoulos DONE
• Continue fulfillment for Indiegogo donor gifts - Cornett DONE
• Final push for Indiegogo fundraising DONE
• Adjust budget for funds raised - Cornett DONE
• Draft acceptance/rejection/contract letters - Cornett DONE
• Yin Ou provides names/ sample works of Chinese artists for Alma UNSUCCESSFUL
• Indiegogo deadline DONE
• Complete initial fulfillment of Indiegogo donor gifts - Cornett, Berman DONE
• Final push for Call for Art and Call for Essays - emails to new media artists, colleges… Cornett, Jiannacopoulos, Mueller, Gutfreund, Berman DONE
• Skype conversation with Minnesota WCA - Cornett DONE
• Determine level of travel subsidy to delegates - Cornett DONE
Calls for Art and Essays
• October 6 - Call for Art submission deadline DONE
• Late entry deadline for art October 10th - review entries for data issues - Cornett DONE
• October 13 - Call for Essays submission deadline DONE
• October 15 - Call for Art entries to Alma Ruiz, Juror for Art. Provide juror instructions. - Cornett DONE
• October - 14/15 - Review essay entries for data issues - Cornett- DONE
• October 21 - Call for Essays entries to Terri Weissman, Juror for Essays. Provide juror instructions - Cornett DONE
• Set up Calls for jurors - Cornett DONE
• Collect names of entrants wishing to be considered for delegation - Cornett DONE
• Respond to all potential delegates with request for full application/passport/ letters of recommendation by October 25th - Gutfreund DONE
• Set up system for communication with artists and essayists - Maksymowicz DONE
• October 3-6 - Set aside time to respond to emails/to help people with their art entries - Cornett DONE
• Finalize letters for selected/pending/not-selected artists - Cornett, Otani, Mueller, Gutfreund DONE
• Write letters for selected/pending/not-selected essayist - Cornett DONE
• October 10-13 - Set aside time to respond to emails/help people with their essay entries - Cornett DONE
• October 25 - Letter from Priscilla for Jing to take to Shenyang Cultural Bureau listing/explaining all of potential delegates and artists - Otani DONE
• October 9 - Letter to jurors to remind them about jury timelines - Cornett DONE
• Develop juror instructions for Alma - Cornett, Gutfreund, Otani, Mueller DONE
• October 14th - Set up entrythingy for Alma Ruiz, switch Call for Art entries to Seen by Juror, check juror instructions on entrythingy to make sure they point system etc is as we wish - Cornett DONE
• Develop juror instructions for Terri - Cornett, Mueller, Otani, Gutfreund DONE
• October 17 - Set up entrythingy for Terri - Cornett DONE
• Deadline for delegate applications October 25th DONE
• Collect and create document of all delegate applications - Cornett, Gutfreund - DONE
• Interview and discuss potential delegates - Otani, Mueller, Gutfreund, Cornett DONE
• Select delegates - Otani, Mueller, Cornett DONE
Event Proposals
• Search entrythingy for submissions that are proposals that will be considered with the delegate positions and part of Alma's selection process- Sherri DONE
• Update to Indiegogo donors about completion of Calls, numbers of applicants, etc. - Cornett DONE
LuXun Academy relations
• October 28 - Send to China document with passport copies and art info to register event with Shenyang Cultural Bureau, consult with Yin Ou Zhao, our China Curator - Deng DONE
• Adjust for delegate travel stipends - Cornett DONE
Call for Art
• Move up pending artists to replace selected artists who have dropped out - Cornett, Otani, Mueller - DONE
• Set up catalog committee, delegate tasks, timeline, plan - Cornett DONE
• Download reports from entrythingy for notification to artists - Cornett DONE
• November 4 - Notification of acceptance/pending/rejection to artists from Call for Art - Maksymowicz DONE
• Deadline for artist contracts November 6 - DONE
• Notify remaining pending artists that they were not selected - Maksymowicz DONE
• November 7 - Notifications of acceptance/pending/rejection to essayists - Cornett DONE
• Notification to remaining delegates about not being selected - Cornett DONE
• Write letter to Shenyang Cultural Bureau to request that event be registered in order to receive documents to ease transportation of art/Include translated info about each art piece/artist statement - Otani, Cornett, Lee DONE
• Collect artist contracts, edited statements etc. Maksymowicz, Cornett DONE
• November 18 - Letter to selected essayists to show essay juror notes to them. Set deadline for return of edited essays. DONE
• Second letter to selected artists and essayists about publicity information - Cornett DONE
• Develop liability contract for delegates with attorney- Gutfreund, Cornett DONE
• Determine state location of law for liability contract - Otani DONE
• Send out delegate contracts and collect - Maksymowicz DONE
• Letter from Otani on letterhead listing potential delegates to assist in delegates' visa applications - Otani DONE
• Visa service information for delegates - Gutfruend, Mueller DONE
• Visa service information onto website - Cornett DONE
• Manage potential delegate information - Cornett DONE
• Narrow potential delegates list to 20 names - Cornett, Mueller, Otani DONE
• Develop questionnaire for remaining potential delegates - Cornett, Otani DONE
• Send questionnaire to remaining potential delegates in preparation for interviews - Cornett DONE
• Interview remaining potential delegates - Mueller, Otani, Cornett i DONE
• Make decisions about final delegates - Cornett, Otani, Mueller DONE
• Inform chosen delegates - Cornett DONE
• Inform potential delegates who were not chosen - Cornett DONE
• Set up online forum for delegates to use - Cornett DONE
• Confirm participation by essayists and let pending essayists know they were not selected - Cornett DONE
• Send out Terri's (our essay juror) to essayists - Cornett DONE
• Develop guidelines for selected artists and delegates for individual fundraising, Indiegogo campaign - not done, because individual artists/delegates didn't request it
• Give guidelines for selected artists to start individual fundraising - not done, because individual artists/delegates didn't request it
• Update to Indiegogo donors about accepted artists - Cornetti DONE
• November 1 - Juror of Art decision - Ruiz DONE
• Be available to answer art juror questions - Cornett DONE
• November 5 - Juror decision for Essays - Weissman DONE
• Be available to answer essay juror questions - Cornett DONE
LuXun Academy Relations
• Translate artist information for letter to Shenyang Cultural Bureau - Lee DONE
• Ask LuXun Academy to register event with Shenyang Cultural Bureau - Deng, Zhao DONE
• Ask LuXun Acacdemy to write letter including potential delegates and their passport numbers to support visa applications - Deng, Zhao DONE
• Confirm with Yin Ou about Chinese artist participation in the exhibition- Deng DONE
• Ask Chinese for Chinese components of catalog - letters, essays, photographs, artists information by first week of January - Deng DONE
• List/photos/descriptions of selected art works to LuXun Gallery/Yin Ou - Cornett, Otani DONE
• Update web pages with selected artists and essayists - Cornett DONE
• Updates on TFAP site - Jiannacopoulos
• Confirm publicity plan, deadlines, contact list - Berman (not done)
• Press releases to magazines by end of month - not done
• Liability release contract with LuXun Academy - Cornett DONE
• Exhibition Agreement - Deng DONE
• Begin translations -Lee, Deng DONE
• Define roles of catalog committee - Cornett DONE
• Determine needs for printing in China (determined we will print all in US)- Morton, Deng DONE
• Determine printing plan (catalogs printed ahead of time, others print-on-demand, possible Volume 2) - Cornett, Deng, Otani DONE
• Begin layout for catalog - Cornett DONE
• Statements from China officials -Deng DONE
• Third letter to selected artists about catalog, CV/resume and shipping - Maksymowicz, Cornett DONE
• Set up Online Forum for delegates, artists and essayists to communicate - Cornett DONE
Community and Cultural Events
• Contact each events leader - Mueller DONE
• Finalize delegation contracts - Cornett, Otani DONE
• Send out liability release, delegate MOU and LuXun invitation to support visa applications to each delegate - Cornett, Maksymowicz DONE
• Set up working groups within delegation - Installation, Events, Documentation, Publicity, Administrative - and find a delegate to head each group - Cornett DONE
• Assign projects to each delegate and include these work commitments in the delegate MOU - Cornett DONE
• Set up parameters for Delegate Show - Cornett. Otani DONE
Documentation Group
• Begin developing overall plan - Giancola DONE
• Update to Indiegogo donors about essayists - Cornett DONE
Gifts for Chinese
• Provide delegate protocols for gifting in China - Cornett DONE
Installation Group
• Gather installation needs (tech, mounting, etc) - Meza-DesPlas DONE
• Information about Chinese artists to Alma Ruiz for her essay - Deng, Cornett DONE
• Conversations with juror Terri Weissman about essays - Cornett DONE
LuXun Academy
• Finalize Shenyang Cultural Bureau document to support shipping and send to Academy- Cornett, Deng DONE
• Arrange for information and high-resolution images the Chinese art and the artists to be translated and given to Sherri Cornett for our juror and for the catalog by January 3, 2014. Deng - DONE
• Arrange for collection and translation of letters/statements from Wei Er Shen, Mr. Wang and Yin Ou Zhao for the catalog - Deng DONE
Publicity Group
• Gather information about artists/encourage artists to submit local press releases - Berman DONE
• Set up web page for artists/art works - Cornett DONE
• Set up web page for essayists - Cornett DONE
• Update Electronic Press Kit web page - Cornett DONE
• Write a statement as Director for the catalog - Cornett DONE
• Write a statement as Co-Director for the catalog and translate it - Deng DONE
• Write a paragraph as President of WCA for catalog - Otani DONE
• Request Chinese artist information, photos, essays - Cornett DONE
• Provide Chinese artist information and essays to Cornett - Deng DONE
• Translate pertinent sections of catalog (essays, artist statements) into Mandarin - Lee, Deng DONE
Community and Cultural Events
• Work with event leaders to develop content for catalog - Mueller DONE
• Gather images and text for delegate works to be included in delegate section of catalog and exhibition - Cornett DONE
• Set up HTS Delegate private Facebook page - Mueller DONE
• Set up Mandarin interpretation/translation protocols for delegation - Cornett DONE
Documentation Group
• Connect with Documentation Group to determine initial goals - Giancola DONE
• Update Indiegogo donors about delegates, etc - Cornett DONE
• Complete list of Chinese dignitaries receiving gifts from us - Deng, Cornett DONE
Installation Group
• Collect installation needs from artists - Meza-DesPlas DONE
• Ask Essay Juror (Terri) to submit tax form to initiate payment of juror fee - Cornett DONE
• Honorarium to Terri Weissman - Cornett DONE
LuXun Academy
• Encourage and facilitate with Yin Ou Zhao the participation by Chinese women artists in the events and other interactions with the delegation - Deng
• Determine if payments will be needed to cover dormitory expenses and, if necessary, how these payments will be made. These funds will come from the International Caucus, not individual donors.(Academy will allow us to stay at the dorms for free) - Deng DONE
• Connect the Academy’s shipping director and gallery director with Katie Morton and Kay Kang, who will be assisting with the de-installation of the exhibition and assisting with getting the US works re-boxed for return shipment. - Deng DONE
Publicity Group
• Update Media List - Jiannacopoulos DONE
• Prepare first press release - Waterhouse, Cornett, Mueller DONE
• Develop Final Electronic Press Kit for IC Website - Cornett DONE
• Design catalog, learn InDesign - Cornett DONE
• Provide support for InDesign training to Cornett - Berman DONE
• Input content into InDesign program - Cornett DONE
• Work with Printpapa to determine printing process and schedule - Cornett DONE
• Catalog ready for printing by the end of the month - Cornett DONE
• Proofread catalog content - Waterhouse, Mueller, Otani, Deng, Lee, Maksymowicz, Cornett DONE
• Proofread and edit as necessary the Mandarin sections of the project catalog. - Lee, Deng DONE
• Design catalog cover -Otani DONE
• Essay from art juror Alma Ruiz - Cornett DONE
• Photo editing for catalog - Berman DONE
• Ask Wanxin Zhang and Diane Ding to review first Mandarin essay translation - Cornett DONE
Community and Cultural Events
• Finalize event descriptions and plans with event leaders for catalog - Mueller, Cornett DONE
• Develop plan for documentation, video formats, photo needs, who… Christine - DONE
• Design postcard for donors and have printed - Otani DONE
• Update to Indiegogo donors - Cornett DONE
• Work with Academy to determine which installation needs they can provide - Meza-DesPlas, Deng, Morton, Lee DONE
• Determine tech equipment needs and arrange for rental/purchase -Meza-DesPlas, Lee, Morton, Mueller DONE
• Honorarium to Alma Ruiz - Cornett DONE
• Ask Art Juror Ruiz to submit tax form to initiate payment of juror fee - Cornett DONE
LuXun Academy
• Get Shenyang Cultural Bureau shipping document for artists - Deng DONE
• Add artists' publicity information to media contacts database - Jiannacopoulos DONE
• Send out first press release - Cornett DONE
• Correct media contact database as invalid media emails are returned - Cornett DONE
• Continued web updates, set up slideshows of artworks - Cornett DONE
• Letter from US Senator Jon Tester to the Academy - Cornett DONE
MARCH 2014
• Adjust for accommodations, dining, tech needs, etc - Cornett DONE
• Determine costs for photograph printing in China - Cornett DONE
• Gather orders for catalogs from artists - Gutfreund , DONE
• Catalog final proofs - Cornett, Gutfreund DONE
• Catalog pick up in Santa Clara -Cornett, Otani DONE
• Collect shipping addresses for US catalog shipments from Indie donors, artists, etc - Cornett DONE
• Catalog shipment to US receivers - Cornett, Otani DONE
• Catalogs for Chinese split between delegates for bringing to China - DONE
• Print catalogs to take with us to Shenyang and to ship to artists - Sherri DONE
• Set up payment to PrintPapa - Karin Luner DONE
• Set up private online version of catalog for Indiegogo donors (using Issuu.com) - Cornett DONE
• Check in with key players, each delegate before travel - Cornett DONE
• Conference call with key players - Otani, Giancola, Meza-DesPlas, Mueller, Lee, Cornett DONE
• Communication with Xiao Ke at the Academy on project details - Lee DONE
Community and Cultural Events
• Work with event leaders to refine their events - Sandra, Sherri DONE
• Gather travel plans from delegates - Cornett, Mueller, Otani DONE
• Request travel reimbursement for each delegate from Karin Luner - Cornett DONE
• Communicate with delegates about protocol around non-delegate travel companions - Cornett DONE
• set priorities, plan, parameters for documentation, how to manage uploading of digital content - Christine DONE
• Design official postcard to mail to donors from China - Otani DONE
• Print donor addresses on labels to affix to postcards in China - Cornett DONE
• Update to Indiegogo donors - Cornett DONE
• Create list of gifts to be given, by whom, to whom - Cornett, Deng DONE
Installation Prep
• Get answers to installation needs, specific props, how to pay for expenses by individual artists - Deng, Morton, Lee, Otani, Meza-DesPlas DONE
• Determine tech needs for each artist - Meza-DesPlas DONE
• Determine/finalize what tech equipment is available at the Academy - Lee, Mortono DONE
• Determine which video works need projector/tablets - Lee, Cornett, DONE
• Finalize what tech equipment we need to rent/purchase - Deng, Lee, Morton DONE
• Finalize what tech equipment needs to be brought by artists - Lee, Cornett, Otani DONE
• Information to Academy for wall statements in English and Mandarin from catalog - Cornett, Deng DONE
• Determine who Installation group needs to connect with at the gallery - Deng, Lee DONE
• Order tablets and stands for videos - Lee, Otani DONE
• Provide photos to Academy for exterior posters - Cornett, Deng DONE
LuXun Academy
• Create plan for delegates for accessing the dormitories from April 12 and leaving April 17th and for the de-installation group to access the dormitories April 30th and leaving May 2nd. - Deng, Morton, Lee DONE
• Create plan for delegates using the academy dining facilities and how payments will be made. The International Caucus will be paying for dining facility meals. Meals taken off campus will be paid for by delegates. - Deng DONE
• Coordinate opening ceremony plans with Yin Ou Zhao, the Academy officials and Sherri Cornett, the Director - Deng DONE
• Ask about printing requirements in China for signage, etc. - Morton, Lee DONE
• Continued website updates - Cornett
• Social media updates - Cornett, Jiannacopoulos DONE
Shipping/Arrival of works to Academy
• Collect information about works to be shipped - Otani, Meza-DesPlas DONE
• Obtain tracking information about each shipment - Otani DONE
• Collect information about works to be hand-carried - Otani, Meza-DesPlas, Cornett DONE
• Send Shenyang Cultural Bureau document to artists who are shipping - Cornett DONE
• Monitor shipments and arrivals of art at LuXun Academy - Deng, Otani DONE
APRIL 2014
Travel to Shenyang for Half the Sky: Intersections in Social Practice Art - Delegation DONE
• Promissory Note to LuXunn - Otani DONE
• Determine method of payment for bills at Academy - Otani, Deng DONE
• Bring cash for payments to Academy for projector rental, printing, shipping, etc - Priscilla DONE
• Invoice artists for printing, installation and shipping items - Otani DONE
• Collect receipts from artists, delegates - Otani DONE
• Collect receipts for reimbursement to Priscilla Otani for expenses pre-paid to Academy by her and request refund for her- Sherri DONE
• Pay for bills at Academy - Otani DONE
• Update budget/financials - Cornett DONE
• Request refund for Otani - Cornett DONE
• Request P&L statement from Karin Luner for International Caucus - Sherri DONE
• Balance IC financial records with those of WCA National - Sherri
• Bring catalogs to China - Cornett, Otani, Mueller, Deng, DONE
• Consolidate catalogs in China - Cornett DONE
• Distribute catalogs in China - Deng DONE
• Reach out to HTS delegates, artists and essayists about additional catalog copies for sale - Cornett
• Invoice and process catalog orders - Cornett
• Ship out additional catalog orders - Cornett
• Interpret, coordinate communication between delegation and Academy staff - Lee, Morton, Deng DONE
• Speak at opening ceremony - Cornett, Otani DONE
• Set up WeChat for delegation - Cornett DONE
Community and Cultural Events
• Coordinate Community and Cultural Events at LuXun Academy - Mueller DONE
• Lead events - Moridpour, Mann, Berman, Mueller, Cornett DONE
• Determine when/where interpretive assistance is needed, set guidelines - Cornett, Otani DONE
• Create emergency plan - Otani DONE
• Photographing, videography during cultural exchange - Giancola, Lee, Moridpour, Mann DONE
• Set up HTS web Blog - Cornett
• Write blogs - Cornett
• Update HTS web pages - Cornett
• Upload digital photos/videos to external hard drives - Lee, Giancola DONE
• Distribute gifts to officials, gallery staff,etc - Deng, Cornett DONE
• Logistics plan for de-installation to Morton and Kang - Otani DONE
• Gather end plan for each art work (return shipping, destruction, gifting) - Otani
• Return to Shenyang to de-install WCA works - Morton, Kang
• Rebox works to be return shipped - Morton, Kang
• Destroy and gift works as applicable - Morton, Kang
• Take return shipping works to Fedex - Ke
• Purchase gifts in China for Indiegogo donors - Cornett DONE
• Mail postcards to Indiegogo donors from China- Cornett, Otani, Mueller, Morton DONE
• Mail gifts for Indiegogo donors - Cornett DONE
• Collect printing/framing plan for artists - Otani DONE
• Set up photos/documents into correct format for printing and put in Dropbox- Otani DONE
• Arrange/communicate with Academy staff for printing of photographs/documents - Lee DONE
• Set up videos into correct format for display on exhibition tablets - Lee DONE
• Tech trouble shooting - Lee DONE
• Finalize installation plan with Gallery Director - Meza-DesPlas DONE
• Supervise Installation process - Meza-DesPlas DONE
• Unpack and prepare works for installation - Meza-DesPlas and installation crew DONE
• Install - all delegates DONE
• Two Passport external hard drives each to Giancola and Lee- Gutfreund DONE
• Upload video content onto external hard drives - Lee DONE
• Bring external hard drives to China - Giancola, Lee, Otani DONE
• Purchase additional/alternative installation equipment in Shenyang - Katie DONE
• Set up tablets/videos in installation - Mido DONE
• Set up projectors in installation - Neda, Elana DONE
Logistics Plan
• Gather info about shipping, videos, printing of photographs, de-installation instructions, tech and installation needs, payments to LuXun Academy, artists & delegates contact information and delegate travel information and create document - Otani DONE
LuXun Academy
• Work with Academy for schedule of opening, events, extra-curriculars, panels - Cornett, Deng, Lee DONE
• Collect Chinese press documentation - Deng, Lee, Morton
• Create and send out press releases for individual artists'/essayists' use - Mueller DONE
• Continued social media updates - Jiannacopoulos, Cornett DONE
• Follow and finalize shipping plans with each shipper for work to China - Otani, Deng DONE
• Check shipped works for return documentation - Morton, Otani DONE
• Identify potential duty exposure for shipping - Deng DONE
• Collect duty/shipping costs from artists - Otani DONE
• Pay Academy for any duty/shipping costs - Otani DONE
MAY 2014
• Update and distribute Tasks and Timeline document to delegation for prep for WCA national board report- Cornett
• Monitor budget, reconcile - Cornett
Calls for Art and Essays
• Download complete files for each call - Cornett DONE
• Delete calls from Entrythingy - Cornett
• Set up catalog on Create Space - Cornett, Gutfreund
• Set up account with Create Space with Karin Luner - Cornett
• Continue to promote catalog sales - Cornett
• Invoice and process catalog orders - Cornett
• Ship additional ordered catalogs - Cornett
• Open up/publish online version of catalog on Issuu.com - Cornett
• Determine if we wish to do a Volume 2 of the catalog - Delegation
• Work on "teaser" video of exhibition installation - Lee DONE
• Upload "teaser" video of exhibition onto IC website - Cornett DONE
• Write and upload short article to accompany "teaser" video on IC website - Cornett DONE
• Archiving of photographs - Giancola
• Write impressions, articles about HTS - Delegation
• Collect memorabilia for possible Volume 2 Catalog – Delegation
• Write usage/crediting policy for photographs and video – Cornett, Giancola
• Press releases
• Update website with event videos/blogs, etc. - Cornett
JUNE 2014
• Create summary report for WCA national board - Cornett
• Project accounting/Profit and loss statement – Cornett, Luner
• Determine scope of final video - Lee, Cornett
· Complete archiving of photographs – Giancola
· Determine final usage for photographs – Cornett, Giancola
· Calls for Art and Essays - Review challenges, suggestions with Entrythingy staff - Cornett
· Research panels options for HTS presentation – Cornett, Otani
· Research venues for papers – Cornett, Otani
· Write impressions of project – All delegates
· Create file of photos for each delegate - Giancola
• Complete final video – Lee
• Determine usage for video – Lee, Cornett, Otani
• Continue to consider panel, paper and presentation options
Sherri Cornett - Director
Jing Deng - Co-Director
Alli Berman - Fundraising and Publicity Director
Karen Gutfreund - Travel/Administrative Logistics
Krista Jiannacopoulos - Social Media/Publicity
Mido Lee - Assistant to the Director
Sandra Mueller - Project Development, Cultural and Community Interactions Director
Priscilla Otani - Human Resources Director
Wang Yi Gang - Curator of Chinese Art
Yin Ou Zhao - Co-Curator of Chinese Art
DELEGATES (final group who traveled to Shenyang)
S. A. Bachman
Alli Bremen
Audrey Chan
Sherri Cornett
Jing Deng
Christine Giancola
Kay Kang
Mido Lee
Elana Mann
Rosemary Meza-DesPlas
Neda Moridpour
Katie Morton
Sandra Mueller
Brenda Oelbaum
Priscilla Otani
Sherri Cornett - Editor
Alli Berman
Jing Deng
Karen Gutfreund
Mido Lee
Virginia Maksymowicz
Sandra Mueller
Priscilla Otani
Jill Waterhouse
Virginia Maksymowicz - Director
Christine Giancola - Director
Audrey Chan
Mido Lee
Elana Mann
Neda Moridpour
Sandra Mueller - Director
S. A. Bachman
Alli Berman
Sherri Cornett
Mido Lee
Elana Mann
Neda Moridpour
Katie Morton
Jill Waterhouse
Alli Berman , Director
Sherri Cornett - Indiegogo Campaign Coordinator
Krista Jiannacopoulos
Sal Sidner
Rosemary Meza-DesPlas - Director
Alli Berman
Audrey Chan
Jing Deng
Mido Lee
Elana Mann
Neda Moridpour
Katie Morton
Brenda Oelbaum
Alli Berman - Co-Director
Jill Waterhouse- Co-Director
Sherri Cornett
Krista Jiannacopoulos
Kay Kang
Rosemary Meza-DesPlas
Sandra Mueller
Tanya Augsburg
Kieran Collins
Diane Ding
Krista Jiannacopolous
Bonnie MacAlister
Meng Tang
Wanxin Zhang
MARCH 2013
Project Development
• Meeting in NYC to discuss possibility - Cornett, Deng DONE
• Develop theme/title - Cornett/Deng - DONE
• Consider formats for exhibition/cultural exchange - Cornett/Mueller - DONE
• Begin setting up committees - Cornett- DONE
• Draft proposal & submit to International Caucus for review - Cornett - DONE
• Create initial budget - Cornett - DONE
• Develop timelines - Cornett - DONE
• Review/Finalize proposal/budget for consideration by national WCA board - Cornett/Otani - DONE
• Research Shipping Options - Jiannacopoulos/Collins- DONE
• Research Calls for Essays - Cornett/Augsburg - DONE
APRIL 2013
• Provide information to Academy for Letter of Invitation - Cornett DONE
• WCA Letter of Understanding to LuXun Academy - Cornett DONE
• Submit proposal/budget to national WCA board - Cornett- DONE
• Create website - Cornett DONE
• Deng goes to LuXun Academy, gathers venue & support information, brings back official invitation - DONE
MAY 2013
Calls for Art
• Gather information for Call for Art - Cornett DONE• Gather information for Call for Essays - Cornett DONE
• Write Call for Art - Cornett DONE
• Create Google Docs for committee work- Cornett DONE
• Develop general fundraising plan - Cornett/Berman - DONE
• Develop fundraising support materials - Cornett/Berman DONE
• Setup Fundraising and Publicity Committees - Cornett/Bernadine
• Research jurors - Cornett/Mueller - DONE
• Logo for show - Berman DONE
• photo for press releases - DONE
JUNE 2013
• LuXun Letter of Understanding to WCA - Deng, Wei Er Shen DONE
• Adjust budget - Cornett DONE
Calls for Art and Essays
• Set up Entrythingy on International Caucus website - Cornett DONE
• Add tokens to Entrythingy for entries - Cornett DONE
• Lulu.com ie printing in China/ shipping costs, etc . - Cornett DONE
• Find out how catalogs will be printed in China or sent to China - Cornett DONE
• Request ISBN from Karin - Cornett DONE
• Develop Indiegogo campaign text - Cornett DONE
• Identify fundraising goals - Cornett DONE
• Submit segments to Indiegogo campaign video - Gutfreund, Maksymowicz, Kestelman, Berman, Shisler, Idner, Purdy, Collins, Zhao, Brown, Deng, MacAlister, Cornett DONE
• Develop Indiegogo campaign video - Cornett DONE
• Create perks for Indiegogo campaign - Cornett/BermanDONE
• Contract juror for art - Cornett/Mueller DONE
• Research editors for essays - Cornett/Otani DONE
• Write MOU for juror - Cornett DONE
• Contract editor for essays - Cornett DONE
• Develop publicity package - Berman DONE
• Develop publicity contacts - online and print/non-virtual (newspapers, tv, blogs) - Jiannacopoulos/Sidner DONE
JULY 2013
Calls for Art and Essays
• Upload Call for Art on WCA entrythingy - Cornett DONE
• Be available to answer questions about the Calls for Art and for Essays - Cornett DONE
• Launch Indiegogo campaign - Cornett DONE
• Begin Fundraising - corporate sponsorships - Otani, Berman, Jiannacopoulos, Cornett BEGUN BUT CANCELLED
• Maintain Indiegogo communications, thank yous, posts - Cornett, Jiannacopoulos DONE
• July 3 -Send Call for Art to IC members - Cornett DONE
• Post Call for Art to WCA Facebook page - Cornett DONE
• Prepare first press release - Berman DONE
• Send first press release - Berman (not done)
• July 8 - Send Call for Essays to IC members - Cornett DONE
• July 8 - Create press release about Call for Art - Berman (not done)
• July 8 - Send Call for Art to all WCA members - Cornett DONE
• July 8 - Publicize Call for Art on social media - Jiannacopoulos DONE
• July 10 - Post Call for Essays to Art outlets - Jiannacopoulos/Gutfreund - DONE
• July 10 - Publicize Call for Essays on social media - Jiannacopoulos DONE
• July 10 - Create press release about Call for Essays - Berman (not done)
• Call for Essays to College Art Association posting site - CornettDONE
• Set up HTS Facebook page for project - Jiannacopoulos DONE
• Press release about Indiegogo campaign - Berman(not done)
• Indiegogo campaign link to social media - Jiannacopoulos DONE
• Continue fulfillment for Indiegogo donor gifts - Cornett DONE
• Final push for Indiegogo fundraising DONE
• Adjust budget for funds raised - Cornett DONE
• Draft acceptance/rejection/contract letters - Cornett DONE
• Yin Ou provides names/ sample works of Chinese artists for Alma UNSUCCESSFUL
• Indiegogo deadline DONE
• Complete initial fulfillment of Indiegogo donor gifts - Cornett, Berman DONE
• Final push for Call for Art and Call for Essays - emails to new media artists, colleges… Cornett, Jiannacopoulos, Mueller, Gutfreund, Berman DONE
• Skype conversation with Minnesota WCA - Cornett DONE
• Determine level of travel subsidy to delegates - Cornett DONE
Calls for Art and Essays
• October 6 - Call for Art submission deadline DONE
• Late entry deadline for art October 10th - review entries for data issues - Cornett DONE
• October 13 - Call for Essays submission deadline DONE
• October 15 - Call for Art entries to Alma Ruiz, Juror for Art. Provide juror instructions. - Cornett DONE
• October - 14/15 - Review essay entries for data issues - Cornett- DONE
• October 21 - Call for Essays entries to Terri Weissman, Juror for Essays. Provide juror instructions - Cornett DONE
• Set up Calls for jurors - Cornett DONE
• Collect names of entrants wishing to be considered for delegation - Cornett DONE
• Respond to all potential delegates with request for full application/passport/ letters of recommendation by October 25th - Gutfreund DONE
• Set up system for communication with artists and essayists - Maksymowicz DONE
• October 3-6 - Set aside time to respond to emails/to help people with their art entries - Cornett DONE
• Finalize letters for selected/pending/not-selected artists - Cornett, Otani, Mueller, Gutfreund DONE
• Write letters for selected/pending/not-selected essayist - Cornett DONE
• October 10-13 - Set aside time to respond to emails/help people with their essay entries - Cornett DONE
• October 25 - Letter from Priscilla for Jing to take to Shenyang Cultural Bureau listing/explaining all of potential delegates and artists - Otani DONE
• October 9 - Letter to jurors to remind them about jury timelines - Cornett DONE
• Develop juror instructions for Alma - Cornett, Gutfreund, Otani, Mueller DONE
• October 14th - Set up entrythingy for Alma Ruiz, switch Call for Art entries to Seen by Juror, check juror instructions on entrythingy to make sure they point system etc is as we wish - Cornett DONE
• Develop juror instructions for Terri - Cornett, Mueller, Otani, Gutfreund DONE
• October 17 - Set up entrythingy for Terri - Cornett DONE
• Deadline for delegate applications October 25th DONE
• Collect and create document of all delegate applications - Cornett, Gutfreund - DONE
• Interview and discuss potential delegates - Otani, Mueller, Gutfreund, Cornett DONE
• Select delegates - Otani, Mueller, Cornett DONE
Event Proposals
• Search entrythingy for submissions that are proposals that will be considered with the delegate positions and part of Alma's selection process- Sherri DONE
• Update to Indiegogo donors about completion of Calls, numbers of applicants, etc. - Cornett DONE
LuXun Academy relations
• October 28 - Send to China document with passport copies and art info to register event with Shenyang Cultural Bureau, consult with Yin Ou Zhao, our China Curator - Deng DONE
• Adjust for delegate travel stipends - Cornett DONE
Call for Art
• Move up pending artists to replace selected artists who have dropped out - Cornett, Otani, Mueller - DONE
• Set up catalog committee, delegate tasks, timeline, plan - Cornett DONE
• Download reports from entrythingy for notification to artists - Cornett DONE
• November 4 - Notification of acceptance/pending/rejection to artists from Call for Art - Maksymowicz DONE
• Deadline for artist contracts November 6 - DONE
• Notify remaining pending artists that they were not selected - Maksymowicz DONE
• November 7 - Notifications of acceptance/pending/rejection to essayists - Cornett DONE
• Notification to remaining delegates about not being selected - Cornett DONE
• Write letter to Shenyang Cultural Bureau to request that event be registered in order to receive documents to ease transportation of art/Include translated info about each art piece/artist statement - Otani, Cornett, Lee DONE
• Collect artist contracts, edited statements etc. Maksymowicz, Cornett DONE
• November 18 - Letter to selected essayists to show essay juror notes to them. Set deadline for return of edited essays. DONE
• Second letter to selected artists and essayists about publicity information - Cornett DONE
• Develop liability contract for delegates with attorney- Gutfreund, Cornett DONE
• Determine state location of law for liability contract - Otani DONE
• Send out delegate contracts and collect - Maksymowicz DONE
• Letter from Otani on letterhead listing potential delegates to assist in delegates' visa applications - Otani DONE
• Visa service information for delegates - Gutfruend, Mueller DONE
• Visa service information onto website - Cornett DONE
• Manage potential delegate information - Cornett DONE
• Narrow potential delegates list to 20 names - Cornett, Mueller, Otani DONE
• Develop questionnaire for remaining potential delegates - Cornett, Otani DONE
• Send questionnaire to remaining potential delegates in preparation for interviews - Cornett DONE
• Interview remaining potential delegates - Mueller, Otani, Cornett i DONE
• Make decisions about final delegates - Cornett, Otani, Mueller DONE
• Inform chosen delegates - Cornett DONE
• Inform potential delegates who were not chosen - Cornett DONE
• Set up online forum for delegates to use - Cornett DONE
• Confirm participation by essayists and let pending essayists know they were not selected - Cornett DONE
• Send out Terri's (our essay juror) to essayists - Cornett DONE
• Develop guidelines for selected artists and delegates for individual fundraising, Indiegogo campaign - not done, because individual artists/delegates didn't request it
• Give guidelines for selected artists to start individual fundraising - not done, because individual artists/delegates didn't request it
• Update to Indiegogo donors about accepted artists - Cornetti DONE
• November 1 - Juror of Art decision - Ruiz DONE
• Be available to answer art juror questions - Cornett DONE
• November 5 - Juror decision for Essays - Weissman DONE
• Be available to answer essay juror questions - Cornett DONE
LuXun Academy Relations
• Translate artist information for letter to Shenyang Cultural Bureau - Lee DONE
• Ask LuXun Academy to register event with Shenyang Cultural Bureau - Deng, Zhao DONE
• Ask LuXun Acacdemy to write letter including potential delegates and their passport numbers to support visa applications - Deng, Zhao DONE
• Confirm with Yin Ou about Chinese artist participation in the exhibition- Deng DONE
• Ask Chinese for Chinese components of catalog - letters, essays, photographs, artists information by first week of January - Deng DONE
• List/photos/descriptions of selected art works to LuXun Gallery/Yin Ou - Cornett, Otani DONE
• Update web pages with selected artists and essayists - Cornett DONE
• Updates on TFAP site - Jiannacopoulos
• Confirm publicity plan, deadlines, contact list - Berman (not done)
• Press releases to magazines by end of month - not done
• Liability release contract with LuXun Academy - Cornett DONE
• Exhibition Agreement - Deng DONE
• Begin translations -Lee, Deng DONE
• Define roles of catalog committee - Cornett DONE
• Determine needs for printing in China (determined we will print all in US)- Morton, Deng DONE
• Determine printing plan (catalogs printed ahead of time, others print-on-demand, possible Volume 2) - Cornett, Deng, Otani DONE
• Begin layout for catalog - Cornett DONE
• Statements from China officials -Deng DONE
• Third letter to selected artists about catalog, CV/resume and shipping - Maksymowicz, Cornett DONE
• Set up Online Forum for delegates, artists and essayists to communicate - Cornett DONE
Community and Cultural Events
• Contact each events leader - Mueller DONE
• Finalize delegation contracts - Cornett, Otani DONE
• Send out liability release, delegate MOU and LuXun invitation to support visa applications to each delegate - Cornett, Maksymowicz DONE
• Set up working groups within delegation - Installation, Events, Documentation, Publicity, Administrative - and find a delegate to head each group - Cornett DONE
• Assign projects to each delegate and include these work commitments in the delegate MOU - Cornett DONE
• Set up parameters for Delegate Show - Cornett. Otani DONE
Documentation Group
• Begin developing overall plan - Giancola DONE
• Update to Indiegogo donors about essayists - Cornett DONE
Gifts for Chinese
• Provide delegate protocols for gifting in China - Cornett DONE
Installation Group
• Gather installation needs (tech, mounting, etc) - Meza-DesPlas DONE
• Information about Chinese artists to Alma Ruiz for her essay - Deng, Cornett DONE
• Conversations with juror Terri Weissman about essays - Cornett DONE
LuXun Academy
• Finalize Shenyang Cultural Bureau document to support shipping and send to Academy- Cornett, Deng DONE
• Arrange for information and high-resolution images the Chinese art and the artists to be translated and given to Sherri Cornett for our juror and for the catalog by January 3, 2014. Deng - DONE
• Arrange for collection and translation of letters/statements from Wei Er Shen, Mr. Wang and Yin Ou Zhao for the catalog - Deng DONE
Publicity Group
• Gather information about artists/encourage artists to submit local press releases - Berman DONE
• Set up web page for artists/art works - Cornett DONE
• Set up web page for essayists - Cornett DONE
• Update Electronic Press Kit web page - Cornett DONE
• Write a statement as Director for the catalog - Cornett DONE
• Write a statement as Co-Director for the catalog and translate it - Deng DONE
• Write a paragraph as President of WCA for catalog - Otani DONE
• Request Chinese artist information, photos, essays - Cornett DONE
• Provide Chinese artist information and essays to Cornett - Deng DONE
• Translate pertinent sections of catalog (essays, artist statements) into Mandarin - Lee, Deng DONE
Community and Cultural Events
• Work with event leaders to develop content for catalog - Mueller DONE
• Gather images and text for delegate works to be included in delegate section of catalog and exhibition - Cornett DONE
• Set up HTS Delegate private Facebook page - Mueller DONE
• Set up Mandarin interpretation/translation protocols for delegation - Cornett DONE
Documentation Group
• Connect with Documentation Group to determine initial goals - Giancola DONE
• Update Indiegogo donors about delegates, etc - Cornett DONE
• Complete list of Chinese dignitaries receiving gifts from us - Deng, Cornett DONE
Installation Group
• Collect installation needs from artists - Meza-DesPlas DONE
• Ask Essay Juror (Terri) to submit tax form to initiate payment of juror fee - Cornett DONE
• Honorarium to Terri Weissman - Cornett DONE
LuXun Academy
• Encourage and facilitate with Yin Ou Zhao the participation by Chinese women artists in the events and other interactions with the delegation - Deng
• Determine if payments will be needed to cover dormitory expenses and, if necessary, how these payments will be made. These funds will come from the International Caucus, not individual donors.(Academy will allow us to stay at the dorms for free) - Deng DONE
• Connect the Academy’s shipping director and gallery director with Katie Morton and Kay Kang, who will be assisting with the de-installation of the exhibition and assisting with getting the US works re-boxed for return shipment. - Deng DONE
Publicity Group
• Update Media List - Jiannacopoulos DONE
• Prepare first press release - Waterhouse, Cornett, Mueller DONE
• Develop Final Electronic Press Kit for IC Website - Cornett DONE
• Design catalog, learn InDesign - Cornett DONE
• Provide support for InDesign training to Cornett - Berman DONE
• Input content into InDesign program - Cornett DONE
• Work with Printpapa to determine printing process and schedule - Cornett DONE
• Catalog ready for printing by the end of the month - Cornett DONE
• Proofread catalog content - Waterhouse, Mueller, Otani, Deng, Lee, Maksymowicz, Cornett DONE
• Proofread and edit as necessary the Mandarin sections of the project catalog. - Lee, Deng DONE
• Design catalog cover -Otani DONE
• Essay from art juror Alma Ruiz - Cornett DONE
• Photo editing for catalog - Berman DONE
• Ask Wanxin Zhang and Diane Ding to review first Mandarin essay translation - Cornett DONE
Community and Cultural Events
• Finalize event descriptions and plans with event leaders for catalog - Mueller, Cornett DONE
• Develop plan for documentation, video formats, photo needs, who… Christine - DONE
• Design postcard for donors and have printed - Otani DONE
• Update to Indiegogo donors - Cornett DONE
• Work with Academy to determine which installation needs they can provide - Meza-DesPlas, Deng, Morton, Lee DONE
• Determine tech equipment needs and arrange for rental/purchase -Meza-DesPlas, Lee, Morton, Mueller DONE
• Honorarium to Alma Ruiz - Cornett DONE
• Ask Art Juror Ruiz to submit tax form to initiate payment of juror fee - Cornett DONE
LuXun Academy
• Get Shenyang Cultural Bureau shipping document for artists - Deng DONE
• Add artists' publicity information to media contacts database - Jiannacopoulos DONE
• Send out first press release - Cornett DONE
• Correct media contact database as invalid media emails are returned - Cornett DONE
• Continued web updates, set up slideshows of artworks - Cornett DONE
• Letter from US Senator Jon Tester to the Academy - Cornett DONE
MARCH 2014
• Adjust for accommodations, dining, tech needs, etc - Cornett DONE
• Determine costs for photograph printing in China - Cornett DONE
• Gather orders for catalogs from artists - Gutfreund , DONE
• Catalog final proofs - Cornett, Gutfreund DONE
• Catalog pick up in Santa Clara -Cornett, Otani DONE
• Collect shipping addresses for US catalog shipments from Indie donors, artists, etc - Cornett DONE
• Catalog shipment to US receivers - Cornett, Otani DONE
• Catalogs for Chinese split between delegates for bringing to China - DONE
• Print catalogs to take with us to Shenyang and to ship to artists - Sherri DONE
• Set up payment to PrintPapa - Karin Luner DONE
• Set up private online version of catalog for Indiegogo donors (using Issuu.com) - Cornett DONE
• Check in with key players, each delegate before travel - Cornett DONE
• Conference call with key players - Otani, Giancola, Meza-DesPlas, Mueller, Lee, Cornett DONE
• Communication with Xiao Ke at the Academy on project details - Lee DONE
Community and Cultural Events
• Work with event leaders to refine their events - Sandra, Sherri DONE
• Gather travel plans from delegates - Cornett, Mueller, Otani DONE
• Request travel reimbursement for each delegate from Karin Luner - Cornett DONE
• Communicate with delegates about protocol around non-delegate travel companions - Cornett DONE
• set priorities, plan, parameters for documentation, how to manage uploading of digital content - Christine DONE
• Design official postcard to mail to donors from China - Otani DONE
• Print donor addresses on labels to affix to postcards in China - Cornett DONE
• Update to Indiegogo donors - Cornett DONE
• Create list of gifts to be given, by whom, to whom - Cornett, Deng DONE
Installation Prep
• Get answers to installation needs, specific props, how to pay for expenses by individual artists - Deng, Morton, Lee, Otani, Meza-DesPlas DONE
• Determine tech needs for each artist - Meza-DesPlas DONE
• Determine/finalize what tech equipment is available at the Academy - Lee, Mortono DONE
• Determine which video works need projector/tablets - Lee, Cornett, DONE
• Finalize what tech equipment we need to rent/purchase - Deng, Lee, Morton DONE
• Finalize what tech equipment needs to be brought by artists - Lee, Cornett, Otani DONE
• Information to Academy for wall statements in English and Mandarin from catalog - Cornett, Deng DONE
• Determine who Installation group needs to connect with at the gallery - Deng, Lee DONE
• Order tablets and stands for videos - Lee, Otani DONE
• Provide photos to Academy for exterior posters - Cornett, Deng DONE
LuXun Academy
• Create plan for delegates for accessing the dormitories from April 12 and leaving April 17th and for the de-installation group to access the dormitories April 30th and leaving May 2nd. - Deng, Morton, Lee DONE
• Create plan for delegates using the academy dining facilities and how payments will be made. The International Caucus will be paying for dining facility meals. Meals taken off campus will be paid for by delegates. - Deng DONE
• Coordinate opening ceremony plans with Yin Ou Zhao, the Academy officials and Sherri Cornett, the Director - Deng DONE
• Ask about printing requirements in China for signage, etc. - Morton, Lee DONE
• Continued website updates - Cornett
• Social media updates - Cornett, Jiannacopoulos DONE
Shipping/Arrival of works to Academy
• Collect information about works to be shipped - Otani, Meza-DesPlas DONE
• Obtain tracking information about each shipment - Otani DONE
• Collect information about works to be hand-carried - Otani, Meza-DesPlas, Cornett DONE
• Send Shenyang Cultural Bureau document to artists who are shipping - Cornett DONE
• Monitor shipments and arrivals of art at LuXun Academy - Deng, Otani DONE
APRIL 2014
Travel to Shenyang for Half the Sky: Intersections in Social Practice Art - Delegation DONE
• Promissory Note to LuXunn - Otani DONE
• Determine method of payment for bills at Academy - Otani, Deng DONE
• Bring cash for payments to Academy for projector rental, printing, shipping, etc - Priscilla DONE
• Invoice artists for printing, installation and shipping items - Otani DONE
• Collect receipts from artists, delegates - Otani DONE
• Collect receipts for reimbursement to Priscilla Otani for expenses pre-paid to Academy by her and request refund for her- Sherri DONE
• Pay for bills at Academy - Otani DONE
• Update budget/financials - Cornett DONE
• Request refund for Otani - Cornett DONE
• Request P&L statement from Karin Luner for International Caucus - Sherri DONE
• Balance IC financial records with those of WCA National - Sherri
• Bring catalogs to China - Cornett, Otani, Mueller, Deng, DONE
• Consolidate catalogs in China - Cornett DONE
• Distribute catalogs in China - Deng DONE
• Reach out to HTS delegates, artists and essayists about additional catalog copies for sale - Cornett
• Invoice and process catalog orders - Cornett
• Ship out additional catalog orders - Cornett
• Interpret, coordinate communication between delegation and Academy staff - Lee, Morton, Deng DONE
• Speak at opening ceremony - Cornett, Otani DONE
• Set up WeChat for delegation - Cornett DONE
Community and Cultural Events
• Coordinate Community and Cultural Events at LuXun Academy - Mueller DONE
• Lead events - Moridpour, Mann, Berman, Mueller, Cornett DONE
• Determine when/where interpretive assistance is needed, set guidelines - Cornett, Otani DONE
• Create emergency plan - Otani DONE
• Photographing, videography during cultural exchange - Giancola, Lee, Moridpour, Mann DONE
• Set up HTS web Blog - Cornett
• Write blogs - Cornett
• Update HTS web pages - Cornett
• Upload digital photos/videos to external hard drives - Lee, Giancola DONE
• Distribute gifts to officials, gallery staff,etc - Deng, Cornett DONE
• Logistics plan for de-installation to Morton and Kang - Otani DONE
• Gather end plan for each art work (return shipping, destruction, gifting) - Otani
• Return to Shenyang to de-install WCA works - Morton, Kang
• Rebox works to be return shipped - Morton, Kang
• Destroy and gift works as applicable - Morton, Kang
• Take return shipping works to Fedex - Ke
• Purchase gifts in China for Indiegogo donors - Cornett DONE
• Mail postcards to Indiegogo donors from China- Cornett, Otani, Mueller, Morton DONE
• Mail gifts for Indiegogo donors - Cornett DONE
• Collect printing/framing plan for artists - Otani DONE
• Set up photos/documents into correct format for printing and put in Dropbox- Otani DONE
• Arrange/communicate with Academy staff for printing of photographs/documents - Lee DONE
• Set up videos into correct format for display on exhibition tablets - Lee DONE
• Tech trouble shooting - Lee DONE
• Finalize installation plan with Gallery Director - Meza-DesPlas DONE
• Supervise Installation process - Meza-DesPlas DONE
• Unpack and prepare works for installation - Meza-DesPlas and installation crew DONE
• Install - all delegates DONE
• Two Passport external hard drives each to Giancola and Lee- Gutfreund DONE
• Upload video content onto external hard drives - Lee DONE
• Bring external hard drives to China - Giancola, Lee, Otani DONE
• Purchase additional/alternative installation equipment in Shenyang - Katie DONE
• Set up tablets/videos in installation - Mido DONE
• Set up projectors in installation - Neda, Elana DONE
Logistics Plan
• Gather info about shipping, videos, printing of photographs, de-installation instructions, tech and installation needs, payments to LuXun Academy, artists & delegates contact information and delegate travel information and create document - Otani DONE
LuXun Academy
• Work with Academy for schedule of opening, events, extra-curriculars, panels - Cornett, Deng, Lee DONE
• Collect Chinese press documentation - Deng, Lee, Morton
• Create and send out press releases for individual artists'/essayists' use - Mueller DONE
• Continued social media updates - Jiannacopoulos, Cornett DONE
• Follow and finalize shipping plans with each shipper for work to China - Otani, Deng DONE
• Check shipped works for return documentation - Morton, Otani DONE
• Identify potential duty exposure for shipping - Deng DONE
• Collect duty/shipping costs from artists - Otani DONE
• Pay Academy for any duty/shipping costs - Otani DONE
MAY 2014
• Update and distribute Tasks and Timeline document to delegation for prep for WCA national board report- Cornett
• Monitor budget, reconcile - Cornett
Calls for Art and Essays
• Download complete files for each call - Cornett DONE
• Delete calls from Entrythingy - Cornett
• Set up catalog on Create Space - Cornett, Gutfreund
• Set up account with Create Space with Karin Luner - Cornett
• Continue to promote catalog sales - Cornett
• Invoice and process catalog orders - Cornett
• Ship additional ordered catalogs - Cornett
• Open up/publish online version of catalog on Issuu.com - Cornett
• Determine if we wish to do a Volume 2 of the catalog - Delegation
• Work on "teaser" video of exhibition installation - Lee DONE
• Upload "teaser" video of exhibition onto IC website - Cornett DONE
• Write and upload short article to accompany "teaser" video on IC website - Cornett DONE
• Archiving of photographs - Giancola
• Write impressions, articles about HTS - Delegation
• Collect memorabilia for possible Volume 2 Catalog – Delegation
• Write usage/crediting policy for photographs and video – Cornett, Giancola
• Press releases
• Update website with event videos/blogs, etc. - Cornett
JUNE 2014
• Create summary report for WCA national board - Cornett
• Project accounting/Profit and loss statement – Cornett, Luner
• Determine scope of final video - Lee, Cornett
· Complete archiving of photographs – Giancola
· Determine final usage for photographs – Cornett, Giancola
· Calls for Art and Essays - Review challenges, suggestions with Entrythingy staff - Cornett
· Research panels options for HTS presentation – Cornett, Otani
· Research venues for papers – Cornett, Otani
· Write impressions of project – All delegates
· Create file of photos for each delegate - Giancola
• Complete final video – Lee
• Determine usage for video – Lee, Cornett, Otani
• Continue to consider panel, paper and presentation options
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