International Caucus Membership
To become an member of the WCA International Caucus each calendar year, a WCA member must go to the WC website after she renews her membership. Login at the upper right with the email she used when she became a WCA member. If she has created her own password, use that. If not, she was sent one in the membership accepteance letter she was initially received from the WCA office. Once in the directory, she can create her own password. Go to the Member Directory which can be found under the My Membership tab. Search for her name. View her profile. In her profile, she should look to the right. Under Internal Caucus, check International Caucus. While on that page, check to see if the profile information is up to date. Save at the bottom of the page.
International Caucus members are expected to stay current with caucus projects through updates sent to members by the caucus chair and by checking this website for new information. The International Caucus, as well as the Women's Caucus for Art as a whole, are volunteer run organizations. As such, caucus projects develop and succeed when members commit to volunteering their time on specific projects and/or caucus committees.
International Caucus members are expected to stay current with caucus projects through updates sent to members by the caucus chair and by checking this website for new information. The International Caucus, as well as the Women's Caucus for Art as a whole, are volunteer run organizations. As such, caucus projects develop and succeed when members commit to volunteering their time on specific projects and/or caucus committees.
WCA Caucus Guidelines
In order to be an official Caucus, an interest group:
Caucuses may not:
*Caucuses are expected to function like a national committee with a Chair and members assigned to specific tasks.
Representation on the National Board
As part of the formal structure of the Women’s Caucus for Art, Caucuses are governed by the same policies and procedures as any committee of the national Board; therefore:
In order to be an official Caucus, an interest group:
May not be media oriented;
Must be activist in nature;
Must embody the WCA mission statement;
Must have more than fifty active members; and,
- Must apply for and be granted Caucus status by the Board of Directors.
- Set yearly goals and budget and present them to the Board of Directors at the annual
summer board meeting for approval;
Select from their membership a Caucus Chair (or Co-Chairs) and/or a Director to serve
as a national WCA board representative (the Chair and Director positions may be held
by the same person or separate individuals), to serve for a three-year term;
Limit the same person from serving as Chair to two three-year consecutive terms;
Conduct finances consistent with national policies;
Work with the WCA Exhibitions Chair when formulating and planning exhibitions;
Work with the VP Development when instituting or planning fundraising; and,
- Include the WCA logo and name on all correspondence and publications.
Caucuses may not:
- Maintain a separate bank account(s);
- Fundraise without prior approval from the Board; and,
- Set up a structure that is similar to the Board.*
*Caucuses are expected to function like a national committee with a Chair and members assigned to specific tasks.
Representation on the National Board
As part of the formal structure of the Women’s Caucus for Art, Caucuses are governed by the same policies and procedures as any committee of the national Board; therefore:
- The board representative to the national board serves under the same rules, policies and obligations as other board members, and is known as a Director;
- If a Director cannot attend a meeting, she may not send another representative in her place;
- Directors are expected to attend two Board meetings a year; and,
- Caucuses can fundraise, but those efforts must be coordinated with and be reported to the Board
Three Director positions are elected through the Caucuses;
If more than three Caucuses are approved by the Board, Caucus Chairs will rotate out every
three years, similar to Directors from Chapters;
In the event of the approval of another Caucus, rotation of Directors will begin the following
election year;
A Caucus Director does not represent a specific Caucus, but Caucuses as a whole, much like
the Directors elected through Chapters Council represent Chapters as a whole.
- Caucuses may petition to be represented on the National Board if the Caucus is in good
standing and has more than 50 active members; and,
- Approval of new Caucuses, in full standing, is up to the discretion of the National Board of