International Caucus Financial Reports
The budgets for all International Caucus projects - which are required to be budget neutral or show a profit - will include a repayment of any seed money used. The report on this page will be updated with notes for any month within which there is activity. All funds are kept within the national WCA accounts. Transactions are documented by our national Director of Operations.
Fiscal Year 2015-2016
- Priscilla Otani and her husband Michael Yochum generously donated $400 to the International Caucus to support the installation/de-installation of the Women Do It! traveling postcard show.
- Other income as of August 2015 has come from entry fees associated with the Women Do It! postcard exhibition.
- The International Caucus financial report was balanced with the Profit & Loss statement from WCA's Operations Director, August 28, 2015.

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Fiscal Year 2014-2015
- We started the fiscal year with $5058, with the majority of this surplus coming from Half the Sky: Intersections in Social Practice Art catalog sales and donations.
- Karin Luner, our national WCA Operations Director, adjusted our account by a +$154 to include some donations.
- IC focus for this fiscal year includes programming at the United Nations through our UN Program and continued documentation of Half the Sky: Intersections in Social Practice Art.
- We budgeted $1000 to create a documentary video of Half the Sky: Intersections of Social Practice Art from the footage take by our documentation team. This fee was paid to Mido Lee.
- The national WCA board approved an honorarium to the editors of the art & activism film for our UN Program (due to be completed this winter)as well as registration fees, printing and equipment rental for UN conferences for this fiscal year. $750 was used for registration for the UN CSW Conference, of which $400 will be reimbursed when projector is returned to the UN. $500 will go to Jodie Childers for the video editing.
- The national WCA board approved the postcard exhibition Women Do It!, which opened in November. The main expenses for this project will will be entrythingy fees ($2 per entry), paypal fees (2.2% + $0.30 per entry), installation materials and costs, and shipping of the exhibition to multiple venues.
- A revised International Caucus Art & Activism brochure was printed for UN Program and IC leaders to connect with other organizations. The cost was $163.34.
- All net income from International Caucus projects goes to support further International Caucus projects.
- At the February 2015 National WCA Board meeting, the Board suggested and approved a change in how UN Program costs are accounted. We will be presenting a clarification of which UN Program costs to the summer National WCA board meeting.
- The final 2014-2015 financial status report below does not include income from the Women Do It! postcard submissions past March nor the $400 refund from UN CSW for the projector rental deposit. It is, otherwise, in sync with national WCA accounts.

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Fiscal Year 2013-2014
- $489.71: Indiegogo Platform fee (6.75%)
- $290.20: FirstGiving payment processing fee (4.0%)
+ $272.06: Goal Completion Refund (3.75%)
- We started the fiscal year with $994.
- In August 2013, we began receiving funds raised through our Indiegogo campaign to support Half the Sky: Intersections in Social Practice Art. The funds were sent to us through FirstGiving. The total received reflects the
- $489.71: Indiegogo Platform fee (6.75%)
- $290.20: FirstGiving payment processing fee (4.0%)
+ $272.06: Goal Completion Refund (3.75%)
- Sherri Cornett paid for entrythingy entry tokens up front and was reimbursed.
- In-kind donations are double entries. The value of the in-kind donation appears under revenue and again as an expense because we would have had to purchase the item without the in-kind donation.
- Half the Sky entry fee revenue reflects fees from both the Call for Art and the Call for Essays.
- We are charged paypal processing fees for all entries through Entrythingy.
- Total expenses for Half the Sky: Intersections in Social Practice Art are anticipated to be $12,600 as of January 2014.
- The UN Program is presenting a panel at the UN Commission on the Status of Women Conference in March 2014 and has an approved budget of $300. We spent $275 on panel registration and add placement for this event.
- WCA IC ended the fiscal year with $5058 net profit.

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Fiscal Year 2012-2013
- The Woman + Body exhibition, held in Korea in October 2012, yielded a profit that created a seed money fund for future International Caucus project.
- In March 2013, the International Caucus collaborated with Philadelphia Chapter's Ragdoll Project during the UN's Commission on the Status of Women's Conference. This project was approved by the national WCA board. Funds from the International Caucus account were used to print an Art & Activism brochure that was used at this conference to increase awareness of WCA's ability to create art platforms in support of UN goals. The brochure can be downloaded on this website's home page.
- In June 2013, we applied for the national WCA's Chapter Development Fund Refund for the costs we incurred for the Art & Activism brochure. It was approved and added to our caucus income line. This Fund is currently set for $150/per caucus/per year.
- WCA IC ended the year with $994 net profit.

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File Size: | 43 kb |
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